HH is an exclusive certification of SMC Slovensko a.s.
Through this certification we would like to promote actions that will lead to the improvement of hygiene and hospitality conditions of catering and hotel companies
HH helps to develop inside the companies the culture of food safety, work safety and attention to the customer.
The audit will focus on 5 parametres: good practise on food handling, cleaning, hygiene and staff courtesy, hotel’s services, atmosphere and environment
For each parameter major aspects will be considered such as raw material handling, cleaning and sanification, staff’s training and so on.
What should a company do to obtain certification?
The following condition and documentation should be guaranteed:
– Aurthorizations and licences
– Catering and services Good practice internal Manual
– Have an internal officer trained in food safety and attention to customers
– Train all personnel on services to clients and food handling
– Have a programme on hygiene and sanification
– Have a control system of data on customer satisfaction
– Have a system to manage claims
– Keep a controlled chilled food chain
– Have a controlled system on raw materials