Food Traceability
The traceability of the Food chain is certified under the Standard ISO 22005:2007 and guarantees the necessary transparency of the food chain crews and establishes a basic ethic in the market.
The traceability of the food chain allows to trace the origin of products and reassures the customers.
The traceability of food chain is included in the field of product’s conformity and it has to be issued by accreditated bodies following the standard EN 45011.
The growing attention of consumers about food’s safety is one of the most important challenge for food industry.
Events happened in the last years, like BSE epidemic in Europe, benzene in water, or the problem of dioxin in poultry farming, led to increasing costs and making worse the corporate images.
Food Safety became an important and critical requirement for corporates of the food chain, and the bigger european and world-wide retailer established that “safety for food farming products isn’t a competitive element”.
Consumers in the last years wants not only safe products, but they’re asking for high quality products. They’re interested no only about quality of ingredients, lack of additive or methods of production, but to features like traditional origin, the belonging to a certain geographic area, the traceability of the producer, the environmental and social impact of production.
SMC SK developed different services for food industry.
Choose SMC SK for:
- Certification of the system for food industry, the starting point for all the companies on the market.
- Voluntary certification of food farming products, the instrument to ensure customers about product’s features, according to laws or standards, and guaranting impartial and objective audits.
- Traceability chain certification, an essential requirement for an efficient management of production and security issues.
- Certification of food safety’s management system.
- verifying products with the GDO mark according the laws: BRC Global Standard – Food and IFS.
- Certification of “good cultivation performances” according the GLOBALGAP scheme